I've been practicing physical therapy since graduating from the University of Minnesota (Ski U Mah!) with a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree in 2012. My first exposure to physical therapy was as a kid, when I had a few visits to address a painful bump on my knee. Ever since, I have been curious about how the human body works! My approach is to listen and learn from my patients about what they are feeling and want from PT, utilize my mind, eyes and hands to help people function with less pain. I am a curious soul with a fondness for learning and have spent a great deal of my own time since graduate school furthering my clinical skills to improve my clients outcomes.
My career focus has been in orthopedics and in 2016 I received my Orthopedic Clinical Specialist (OCS) certification from the American Board of Physical Therapy. My clinical areas of focus include: Osteopathic Muscle Energy (MET), hands-on manual therapy, myofascial release, neural manipulation, craniosacral therapy, neuromuscular re-education and corrective exercises.
In my time away from the clinic I enjoy relaxing outside, hiking and creating art. I also enjoy time with family & friends, following the Vikings & Gophers and playing board games.